Friday, December 29, 2023



Puddles on the road are such a distraction along my daily walk. Isn't this one wild? And here's a poem that may suggest some questions:


Thursday, December 21, 2023

A Birthday Present for Jesus


A snowy picture from the Wasatch Range, from our trip in October. And a special seasonal poem:

A Birthday Present for Jesus

Monday, December 18, 2023

Monday, December 11, 2023

Impulse Denied


I had never seen snow geese until a couple of years ago. They fascinate me as Canada geese never have. Here's a photo ^ and the poem resulting from a recent sighting.

Impulse Denied

Thursday, December 07, 2023



Lumps of leaves making tiny islands in the creek after much rain. And this poem:


Wednesday, December 06, 2023



The slowly turning gingko leaves were so graceful this fall as they awaited their fate. 


Tuesday, December 05, 2023

And Will I Linger as a Fossil?


This poem is what happens when I watch Netflix' "Life on our Planet," narrated by Morgan Freeman, and then drive through thick fog on the last dark day of November, and then process, as I usually do, by writing a poem.

And Will I Linger as a Fossil?

Friday, December 01, 2023



We've had a couple of very windy days, so I had a couple of very windy walks down Lake Street. Then came December. Here's the poem I wrote after reading James Crews' "Light and Dark."


Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Autumn Underway


Underway, indeed. This photo was taken on a recent morning as the moon became full. 

Here's a poem I've worked on for a month or so.

Autumn Underway

Sunday, November 12, 2023

Invisible Kingdoms


Yes, it has been a long time, hasn't it? Here's a very new one. I listened to a song by Jackson C. Frank called October, from 1994, and his song inspired me. You can listen to the resulting poem:

Invisible Kingdoms

Saturday, October 21, 2023

Jesus at the Pub


The anemones are still going strong; here's another photo of one of my favorite flowers. And, another Jesus poem for your listening enjoyment.

Jesus at the Pub

Thursday, September 07, 2023

Another Jesus Poem

I've added another to my collection of prose poems in which Jesus is a main character, often having coffee with the narrator. Here you can listen to the latest:

Saturday, September 02, 2023

Dear Poetry Friends,

As I write, I am awaiting the arrival of my second chapbook, Wind and Water, Leaf and Lake, near the end of October, from Finishing Line Press. With another chapbook manuscript in the works, and a longer ongoing project that may take a year or so, I continue to write each day, reading my work wherever I can. In this new blog, I’ll write about my work, post photographs, and occasionally put up a new poem for a short time. Please share this location with others. Join my email newsletter of current poems. Thank you for your attention to my writing. Enjoy!